D.O.P. Monti Iblei

COPA Agricultural Cooperative

COPA Agricultural Cooperative., Was born from the passion and will of some of the most representative olive producers in the geographical area “D.O.P. Monti Iblei “, to combine their experiences to achieve a common goal:

the production and enhancement of an oil with typical characteristics and flavor

This is made possible by the not indifferent care provided by the members throughout the production process, as well as by the concomitance of various natural factors such as:

  • favorable soil and climatic conditions;
  • the particular composition of the soil;
  • the variety of cultivars, “Moresca”, “Verdese”, “Tonda Iblea” and “Biancolilla”, all perfectly integrated in the territory and with complementary characteristics.

The attention of the members begins with the fertilization of the land and the phytosanitary struggle: for the first, only organic fertilizers are used; for the second, exclusively organic products.

Great care is then given to the pruning phase of the trees, carried out in order to facilitate the manual harvesting of the drupe.

The olives are harvested at the beginning of veraison, when the pulp is still white and therefore it is checked that the fruit is healthy.

Harvesting is done manually using the ancient method of “picking”.

Olives that have already fallen to the ground are not harvested because they represent the overripe or diseased fruit that would increase the acidity of the oil to the detriment of the organoleptic value.

Before the transformation, which takes place within 24 hours from the harvest, the olives stay in fresh and ventilated places inside plastic baskets in order to preserve their freshness.

For the milling, a continuous-cycle crusher of the latest generation is used which, in addition to ensuring adequate hygienic conditions and careful cleaning of the machinery, allows for gentle milling and provides a homogeneous and cold paste.

The oil thus obtained is stored in a cool and dry place, at constant temperature, in steel silos, under a nitrogen head. To settle the sludge, they are separated from the oil without any filtration being carried out, so as not to alter their peculiar characteristics; the consequent and albeit minimal presence of volatile residues is a guarantee of quality and authenticity.

Finally, before being placed on the market, the oil is subjected to physical and chemical analysis and to the judgment of a qualified panel to certify its quality.

COPA Cooperativa Agricola

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D.O.P. Monti Iblei

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